2:供氧设备+1级隔热服套装. 可使用泰伯利亚替代富集硅岩燃料,但燃值仅有富集硅岩的四分之一。. 原始链接 . 1. 按照本页面的处理方式:. 在石器时代,制造一个集水器需要52个铁锭、26个粘性树脂和130个木板. It finally happened, GTNH nerfs have finally broken my spritGregtech New Horizons an expert mode modpack based around Gregtech for 1. g. F. 10版. 1. Features在本页面,您将见到gtnh整合包中有史以来最夸张,最终极的设备。它将完全改变任何基地的形态,甚至将整个世界笼罩在格雷科技的超强电场之中。 欢迎来到神的世界。 核心参数. 使用螺丝刀切换基础模式: (输入/输出/运行) 手持螺丝刀shift+右键以切换运行模式 (常规/蜂群) 一一一一一一一输入模式一一一一一一一. Internal wiki page links are not included on this page. Deprecate the Processing Array (PA) by 2. 集水器的最下面一层(如图两种连接方法都可以)可以将水自动输出到容器中,比如接上去的木制管道,速度是40 mB/t. UI: A mod that adds or changes part of the user interface - overlays, menus, inventory, etc. 风车是前期的一个装饰性多方块,作为装饰品的同时它还可以研磨一些谷物和材料. 7. md and docs/mcp-forge. JourneyMap (JM) is a map-making and waypoint system offering many configurable features to make travel and exploration easier. 戴森球发射的模块是不断累加的,最多可累加到10000,总数可以用三录仪或工业信息屏读出,同时这些发射出的模块也会被消耗,每秒m个模块中有n个会被. GTNH Version of FTBUtilities (download plain non-sourcesor-devjar, e. Use more RAM with careful consideration and testing. Posting on a closed issue saying the crash still exists will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report. 但是在gtnh中,流体存储总线、末影液体导管的优先级都不可控。 而传输节点(液体)配合分配管道,理论上可以完成按照优先级发配。 然而,分配管道在分配流体时出现了Bug,只能将节点缓存内的流体对单个容器进行发配,而不是同种流体 [传输节点注释] ,无法. 中子加速器可以独立开关,与正常机器一样用软锤或者机器控制覆盖版控制,只有在开启时才会接受电能并将其转换为中子动能,所以当你的中子活化器中的中子动能不增加时,不妨看看中子加速器是否正常工作。. Most of the buildings are built by me and Mudspaw, with some individual buildings made by others. 76个钍粉。. The Twilight Forest is the dimension linked to magic in this pack. 本页面提供关于匠魂工具的数据和信息。. Original link. 2. 0 )不符。. 0 )不符。. 若官方页面无1. 此时巨型高炉将. 这篇文章需要扩展。. 进阶装配线的自动化不同于普通装配线,特殊的并行机制和物品消耗机制导致了大多数传统自动化无法在进阶装配线上运行或能运行但是无法得到并行。. 264个铀-235粉,58. 将有合成表的机器拆成零件。. OmniOcular的配置文件信息为硬编码,可能和GTNH最新版本实际内容不符,此时以游戏内工具提示为准。. 0 Official Release (Title typo) - Discord Server - Changelog. 4. 每提升一个电压等级,每次运行可以多处理2个物品. 几乎所有的GT大型机器和GT发电机都会在运行过程中排放一定量的污染。. 2. Issues 7. 1. Kiwi233 / Translation-of-GTNH Public. Dev Release Stability. From the humble hopper to a full auto-crafting Material Energy system, the available options increase with every new technology tier. 重新启用污染系统。. 来自Tectech的多方块变压器,可以无视限制在任意电压与电流之间转换,且仅有几乎可忽略的损耗——0. 可用于产气奥以供虚空采矿场增产。. In GTNH, these six elements are used in various crafting recipes. Iouter  于11个月前 修改了 此页面。. 总述. 使用该mod的机器,可以对经过测序的任意基因进行随意. The only hurdle during the signup step is that the debit/plastic card is mandatory. My go to advice though, always, is don't rush through things. See full list on gtnh. 第2-5层: 5x5硬化粘土,角落空置,可包含一扇门, 中空,墙上必须至少有一个发射器. GTNH员工手册之小技巧 MV篇. 10 Minecraft but has more updates then most of the biggest packs on the market and continues to evolve and grow as time goes on. 制作宇宙中子素(SpNt)粒/锭/块. 中心:3个电子计算机械方块. 总述. 这个时代的机器使用蒸汽作为能量。. 神秘时代4是你GTNH生涯中接触到的第一个魔法mod,在早期版本中需要制作该mod里的魔力布匹用于宇航服以推进主线。. 使用发电机会制造一定数量的污染,详细请看下文。 2. In general this makes for very minor changes between iterations of the same seed. 总体结构类似于工业高炉,比工业高炉少1层线圈方块;所以你可以使用工业高炉更新线圈后遗留的方块。. Could not load tags. 在GTNH中. 工业高炉. 进入LV之后,可能会发现材料消耗量断崖式增长,这并不全都是阶段上升的锅,更有一部分是蒸汽时期. 燃烧室在底部,锅炉在上部,如图所示,红框区域为燃烧室、蓝框区域为锅炉,它们之间可以用一定大小自定义,如下表所示。. 大型加工厂的控制器方块. 在准备好搭建材料后,你需要确定钻机摆放地点。. 涡轮分为小型、中型、大型和巨型四个分类,分别对应不同的基础数据系数. 12 iirc). 输出总线 (蒸汽) 1. 1. anti翻译GregTech. From GT New Horizons. F. 以下是内燃发电机使用不同燃料时的发电量(由低到高)(经测试内燃发电机可以使用燃气和半流质燃料)。. 一个蒸汽机由两个部分组成:燃烧室和锅炉。. There are a lot of covers available in gregtech, Each one has its own use as described below. Otherwise-Ad-4866. Now, mind you, we were wearing vests and had badge necklaces. The completely change-log can be read here. wumingzhiren igi血魔法逗号分割 . The following texture packs have been reported to work - but if you encounter issues be sure to test with the packs disabled. 一个蒸汽机由两个部分组成:燃烧室和锅炉。. 集水器的最下面一层(如图两种连接方法都可以)可以将水自动输出到容器中,比如接上去的木制管道,速度是40 mB/t. 于是他撸起袖子,试图以这个世界的全部资源寻求自己的极限. 机器类型: [B]- 发酵槽、流体提取机、提取机. 至少1. 0分享下载!一个简单的语言描述为:. 等蒸汽合金炉蒸汽缓存充满再开始工作,烧制出红色合金锭后使用软锤关闭. - Discord. 3:沙子与黏土球在合金炉里变为焦炉砖. Additional Mods. 英文名. 1. Select the Open Folder button for a new instance. 0, remove by 2. 它可以直接使用管道等方式输入流体和固体并直接完成单方块化学反应釜中的所有反应配方,并输出产物。. Click on the button with a square checkbox icon (Manual. 1. 本指南以逐渐扩展的方式帮助您编写词条,请务必在编辑之前阅览本部分。. For Mac users, try Command+left click. 61-GTNH 完整changelog (该Mod的GitHub仓库仅开发者可见,相关pr链接可能无法访问。) T2火箭电脑配方现在需要luv电路板。 添加太空电梯(Space Elevator)多方块结构:(by minecraft7771) 定位为UV+机器。 主机内的按钮可以传送到任意gc星球。结构. GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23. 2. QF4版本的汉化全部更新完毕。 汉化使用方式 1、找到release内对应版本 2、选择是否包含script魔改汉化 3、下载压缩包后,覆盖解压到MC目录在GTNH中,GT++是非常重要的一个mod。. 任务系统来自于辅助类模组Better Questing。 任务书是你在整个GTNH流程中最好的老师,它将引导你从挖下第一块泥土开始直到制作出最后的星门。. <重要更新版本号>. 本页面适用于 2. We still have lots of goodies in this version, especially for Applied Energistics and overall multiblock usability!The CurseForge download is not recommended because GTNH uses a huge amount of custom mods as well as custom versions of other mods that effectively can't be hosted on CurseForge. 目前稳定版有记忆游戏,2110以上版本额外增加了扫雷。. . 3属于测试版,存在相当数量的bug,请谨慎更新。 Mod文件变动. 第二种是让大部分矿物都经过相同的处理步骤,而对于有特殊产物(比如铝土矿)的矿物单独区分. 焦炉没有自动输出。. 0. 版本号:1. 最低级的避雷针. Your main access will be through the Thauminomicon which is modified to also feature custom sections for Blood Magic, Witchery, and other important things besides having the usual content of Thaumcraft and its add-ons. 只需要使用配方要求功率的80%. 2. 角落填充,中空. 4. Discord. 10 instance setup. Don't obsess over mining level for your hammer. You can theoretically play the pack completely without doing the quests, but this only feasible if you already know the pack well. 5. The following texture packs have been reported to work - but if you encounter issues be sure to test with the packs disabled. If you are EV or almost EV, it is worth it to simply rush AE2. GT New Horizons comes with a variety of powerful magic mods. 燃烧室和锅炉各有两种选择,你可以用固态燃料燃烧室或者液态燃料燃烧室去. 4. The steps are as follows: Sign up for Oracle Cloud. 制作2-8重压缩圆石,制作2-4重压缩泥土,制作2重压缩沙子,压缩沙砾。. 7. The quests not only guide you through the progression, but also explain various machines and mechanics and give you hints on. OFFICIAL DISCORD SERVER: The GTNH 2. Processing Tips (provided by some dumbass on Discord) If you want the 1st byproduct the most, do pulverizer -> pulverizer again -> centrifuge. 1 Alternatively, if you use AE2 outside of GTNH go to the AE issues page and click new issue; Enter your a title of your issue (something that summarizes your issue), and then create a detailed description of the issue. 戴森球的发电原理为通过向相邻的恒星发射模块,每秒发射的数量为输入总线中的戴森球模块数量。. 3. What is crazy about GTNH is that it’s still running 1. <修复版本号> 如果没看懂,想想Minecraft原版的版本号格式,应该就明白了. 4. For Crops that require harvesting at a specific stage, you can use a Crop Harvester with a Cropnalyzer in it, or a Multifarm in Orchard mode. 工具的攻击力为:基础攻击力+材料. 在HV或以上等级的化学反应釜中,可以将甲烷和水进行反应,产出更多的氢。. 焦炉 / 高级焦炉 , 集水器 , 蓄水器 , 蒸汽机 , 蒸汽炉. 来源mod. 量子操纵者的控制器方块. 10 modpack GTNH. 可以让复杂的化学流程一步到位. 内燃发电机. 近战打自己,远程打不动,原始人征服木制压缩核聚变实录,最具有野心的模组,质量高过官方!alex的洞穴堪比深海迷航【mc模组精选】,gtnh上天仪式,gtnh hv阶段 ep37 处理器集群,gtnh去水星然后火箭被头顶玻璃挡住然后3人爆炸,“最聪明的一集!Server Info: Please Don't Forget to 📥 Subscribe, 📝Comment, & 👍🏻Like! :. The following texture packs have been reported to work - but if you encounter issues be sure to test with the packs disabled. Code. From the humble hopper to a full auto-crafting Material Energy system, the available options increase with every new technology tier. 7. 1. 👑 Join: is unfinished, the late game is a bit of a mess. Contribute to Kiwi233/Translation-of-GTNH development by creating an account on GitHub. If you consider using this, read this before installation. 覆盖板标签 :现在GT机器会在. 萤石转小块阳光化合物,初始速度是夜光珊瑚高压釜的2. keep","contentType":"file"},{"name. 0. Installing GTNH | Server setup guide. 3. Ironically that's roughly the same time to complete Technological Journey, a modpack on 1. 4. 一个小技巧:核聚变反应堆在启动后不需要再消耗启动电量就能切换配方。. json needs to be overwritten. Dude: *In a sleepy voice* “Hey, dudes, I need you to cash my check. 也就是说,其配方是用48份材料生产出64份部件。. 最终可能会以某种方式将神秘水晶重新添加到恒星合金配方中。. 位置. 不同于原版匠魂,在gtnh中,冶炼炉无法增产矿石。 冶炼炉排液口是冶炼炉与外界进行流体交互的接口,通常情况下与浇注口共用,但它也可以被其他流体接口所访问(如电动泵、末影接口的流体导管等),也可以使用类似的方法向冶炼炉中输入水等流体。杂交. 蒸馏塔合成. 对可以用组装机组装成的物品同样适用,需要不低于组装该物品所需电压等级的拆解机才能拆解 [1] ,并且不会返还合成时消耗的流体。. Soldering Iron. . 1. ,【mc】格雷新视野极速版#43:大化反阵列,【mc】格雷新视野极速版#47:你喜欢核聚变吗,mc-gtnh 多方块结构指东(第74期) 集成矿物处理厂,[gtnh]p37:与全身纳米量子套怪物的脱衣play,【mc】格雷新视野极速版#46:t4星球探索,【mc】格雷新视野极速版#48:t5火箭. 等同于复制机。. this Supports: -Up to 256. 16p-GTNH --> 1. If ingots are in short supply, it's. 超级热交换机. That feels quite a bit worth it in the early game as you head into LV. 这意味着炽焱在处理配方时将比普通高炉少近 60% 的电力. This is intended to be a non-comprehensive list of known acronyms and nicknames for various things in the modpack. 如果你的Minecraft看起来像死机了一样,请稍等几分钟。. 无需能量也无需维护. 0 版本,可能与当今稳定版( 2. MK-III以. Plus, the EOD guy was in his. 2. GTNH relies heavily on the Better Questing questbook with more than 3000 quests. may be different than those depicted in this guide. Platinum is notably used extensively in circuit components, and late-game crafting will easily use it in the thousands. 关于GTNH版本号格式的变动:以后GTNH的版本号将会变为三位数字,意为:<稳定版本号>. 极限工业温室. 0. Applied Energistics 2 Energy Usage in GT:NH. 整合包名:GregTech New Horizons(简称GTNH) 版本:2. If you want to try out a pack that's as complex as GTNH (recipes with lots of ingredients, tons of automation) without the grind, I recommend Meatballcraft (my pack). As u/Vaquite said, Curseforge works poorly for GTNH. GTNH is an amazing modpack. InGame Info XML GTNH includes the InGame Info XML mod. 0. 底面正中. After you get a while into LV, lossless Redstone Alloy cables are your friends. 然而,煤炭和太阳能锅炉免疫雨水和火(淋雨不会爆炸. 2. 1. 每秒产生0点污染. 由于陪伴你大部分的发展流程,工业高炉是GTNH中最为重要的大型多方块机器。. (当然你也可以用高级的组装机,但不去暮色的话你一般来说. 这是一个正在逐步使用格雷科技来平衡MC1. 维护仓. 工作原理本质上为将输入端的EU缓存转移到输出端。. 多方块结构:制造6个巫术的祭坛方块以2x3的摆法放于世界中,若出现红布则说明搭建完成。. 高效地生产导线和金属丝,节省铜、锡、红色合金等材料. GTNH gets all the bad reputation, but it has the best quest book that guides you step by step. 精密组装机. Esc > Mod选项… > Adventure Backpacks > Config > graphics > status > enable overlay > false. 3qf 团队五人共同与生存模式下进行耗时31天22小时完成 视频中红色仓库左右侧为超临界和计算器忘记录制进去 太空电梯为半成品,想知道原理和使用方法请移步至 BV12a411u7bZ 进行观看 存档在评论区置顶,可. 化学惰性机械方块. 多 方 块 结 构. 3版本中,血魔法的各项数据进行了一系列的重新平衡。如果您的gtnh版本早于2. You can theoretically play the pack completely without doing the quests, but this only feasible if you already know the. 整体结构. 量子计算机是消耗电能产出算力的机器。. 是许多玩家第一个铟粉的来源。. 0. 2. 聚爆压缩机需要爆炸物,你可以选择的爆炸物有(后面括号中为需求. 10 and GTNH is set as the game version under the Advanced Tab, otherwise many components won't be. There are also mods like Spice of Life and Hardcore Darkness which can make the game even more difficult. I use the Technic Launcher and have no issues. Use at your own risk, make backups, etc. 支持TecTech能源仓与激光仓. 机器名称:特斯拉电塔; 机器功能:广域无线供电rv3-beta-285-GTNH: Add pattern count to crafting preview screen (#426) 18 Nov 12:11 . 大型采矿机器,需要提供电量、钻井液和采矿管道(可回收),运行时向地下挖掘,并输出挖掘矿石的粉碎形态,默认使用圆石替换挖掘后的空洞. JourneyMap (JM) is a map-making and waypoint system offering many configurable features to make travel and exploration easier. 1. Prerequisites notes:来自与GTNH核心(DreamCraft)的联动。 右键收获源质。 成熟时发出强度为4的光。 如果有模组提供了灵宝块,则需要在耕地下方放置灵宝块时才能完全成熟。 完全成熟后方可参与杂交。 应该是用太古珠培育出来的,现在不行。” Crops++ 醋栗 Maloberry. 500 ticks is equal to 25 seconds (500/20=25), which you can see matches the time shown in the recipe details. For information on IC2 Crop mechanics, see the IC2 Crops article. GT New Horizons is a Technic and CurseForge modpack created by DreamMasterXXL. Soldering Iron. You can theoretically play the pack completely without doing the quests, but this only feasible if you already know the pack well. Yesterday汉化. Make the Crafting Input Buffers visible in the interface terminal. This includes mod-focused wikis that are largely unaltered in mechanics, player-made spreadsheets, calculators & flowcharts, scripts, tutorials and other resources. From GT New Horizons. 比相同电压的单方块机器快250%. Designer mode. She is insane and amazing haha. 输出:太阳能盐(热). . 骗氪服喜欢恶意堆料魔改,GTNH也喜欢恶意堆料魔改;. GT++为部分的单方块机器都添加了多方块版本 (一般需要IV机器进行合成),也为一些原版. miraheze. 3. JodieRuth 于1个月前 修改了 此页面。. 这台多方块机器是我为了种茶写的. 找到光影包文件夹,可以在进入游戏后按 游戏菜单→选项→视频设置→光影→光影包文件夹 的顺序找到文件夹。. <重要更新版本号>. 0 Official Release (Title typo) - Discord Server - Changelog Thanks to the great work by Raven, GTNH can now be run on Java 17 & 19. com Yes Link: Link: Test Server GTNH 4 (Zeta) EU zeta. 特定工具只能完成它们对应的工作,如扳手用于拆卸机器,却不能用于剪断导线。. 周围环状排列太阳能反射器. 一种简单的自动化方法是运用匠魂的排液口和红石脉冲(你可以选择exu的 红石钟 (如图浇注口上方方块)或者pr的计时器)完成自动化。. Once I hit HV I upgraded to a Steve's Carts tree farm -> Advanced Coke Oven -> GT large steel boiler -> HV steam turbine. 在多方块结构中摆放了一个IV能源仓和一个LuV能源仓,巨型高炉的功率将视为40,960eu/t。. 对于一个砖高炉(原始的高炉)配方的燃料来说,煤炭、木炭与其对应的粉状物是完全等价的,。. 缸中节点 , 荒古炼金炉 , 炼狱熔炉 , 神秘炼金塔 , 注魔祭坛. 维度名. 7. 物品交互相关命令,提取物品的节点。 物品栏选取:声明这个命令从哪个方块提取物品。如果声明与多个方块交互,也. 导入安装即导入MultiMC的导出包,MultiMC的导出包具有两个Java版本,MultiMC本身对Java8版本的导出包支持良好,但对Java17的导出包支持较差,HMCL则完全不支持Java17的导出包。. gtnewhorizons. From GT New Horizons. 当然,如果你只是想获取大量的木炭或者焦煤,也可以试试热解炉——它比RC焦炉快. 1. 0 37 18 6 1 Updated Nov 19, 2023. 每提升一个电压等级,每次运行可以多处理2个物品. Edit source. Generally the ore is listed in the earliest to reach location. Because of this, the pack has to download those custom mods on first startup, and this has proven to be somewhat unreliable and has caused numerous problems for. 由于历史原因,一般使用的电压等级概念. That’s also why most beginner guides say to build. The most up-to-date list of the mods included in GregTech: New Horizons is located here: GT-New-Horizons - GitHub. 最低级的避雷针. Note that this includes all biomes, even those which don't. 7. 0. 1. Name (Author or Maintainer) What is GT New Horizons? You are looking at a big progressive kitchensink pack for Minecraft 1. 10 版本的大型整合包,由于修改了太多的mod以及相对特殊的打包方式,所以安装可能和其他的Minecraft整合包不太相同。 下面将会详细教学如何安装GTNH。 MC的游戏分为客户端和服务端。客户端就是你打开的游戏,服务端则是处理你客户端发出的信息的应用. In ATLauncher, select Edit Instance > Clone Instance in the drop-down. Though i personally stopped when GT5u (unofficial, approved and continued version of GT5) introduced the circuit and petrochem update. Open the Quest Book, click on Quests from the left panel and then a Quest Line. 旋律合金粉配方调整为使用奥里哈钢粉代替神秘水晶粉。. ServerUtilities - use Shift instead. Internal wiki page links are not included on this page. 优点:. Precise Assembler MT-3662. 将配方内的煤炭、木炭、焦煤等燃料换成对应的块时,会将原料消耗量、耗时与产物数量提升10倍,但产生的灰烬与黑色灰烬只有. Numista, a unique platform to learn, collect, swap and share. That's more or less the actual amount of content. 所有在PT上参与汉化工作的贡献者 . 因此你可以用维护仓替代所有的强化钨钢机械方块,以节省钨钢。. Make the Crafting Input Buffers visible in the interface terminal. Toggles void excess mode on GT++ multis. Multifarm structure from Forestry used for the Automated Farming of trees, crops and flowers in LV or beyond. A new panel should appear on the right. 7. 返回游戏在光影设置中选中你下载的光影包,点击完成,稍作等待。. 0, remove by 2. 工具永远是你的好帮手,毕竟你空着手什么都做不了。. 在GTNH中,本模组主要功能为显示正在运行的机器将产出的物品。. 0. Keep in mind this is a testing version from GTNH Discord and is not released to the Public outside of testing yet. 1. zip to instances/My Modpack/. ↑ 部分光影. 根据GTNH的打包方式,有两种安装方法:覆盖、导入。. 1. 中心:5×5的机械方块. 9. 摆成此图. Final Checklist. Location. GT机器Tooltip增强 :. Command /bq_admin edit to toggle editor mode ON. The vast majority of the player base in GTNH are experienced modded minecraft players, we've all done thaumcraft a hundred times by now and quite frankly the research system is boring and tedious. 物品使用漏斗. For documentation, refer to the JavaDocs for RFG classes (viewable from IntelliJ and in the plugin sources) and the Gradle User Guide. 骗氪服的禁用物品表长. 将光影包直接复制至光影包文件夹( 无需解压光影包 )。. So as you probably know, the GTNH team maintains most of the mods in the pack. Crops crossbreed by similar tiers, so if you're crossbreeding tier 1 crops you can expect decent odds of getting a tier 0 or tier 2 crop. GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23. The following details are required. 一不消耗能量. Your main access will be through the Thauminomicon which is modified to also feature custom sections for Blood Magic, Witchery, and other important things besides having the usual content of Thaumcraft and its add-ons. 维护仓.